Saturday, March 28, 2015

The sun has got his hat on!!

Hello! Having the most amazing weather it has arrived and we are all smiling. Just a quick blog as we are all running about as usual.

Wanted to use this blog to remind you all now is the time to make sure you are drinking lots of fluids!

We all are lovers of lemon water and this being the perfect time of year as lemons are everywhere you look on this island. So go grab some and get it in your water.

what you don't realize with a lemon is its full of vitamin C,B Complex vitamins, -Calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fibre.

Having some lemon in warm water early and waiting 15 minutes before breakfast is the best, but also adding it into your bottle of water whilst you exercise, are down and the beach or even in the office is great. Having this after massage too works wonders.

Lemon water is known to help boost your immune system, help cleanse your system, aids digestion, freshens breathe, helps keep skin blemish free (antioxidant), helps you loose weight, reduces inflammation and best of all gives you an energy boost!!

So cheers!! Have an amazing weekend

the Spa@home team x

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Easter is just around the corner

Hello blogger world and all our clients. 

It has been a while since we have been in blog land, but we are happy to be back with you. As a lot of you already know 2015 has already been a busy year for our team spa@home. Amanda gave birth to the beautiful boy Charlie Joe Tabb on the 1st of march. Louise has been at retreats and working all over the island seeing lots of "regular" faces and lots of new (someone funny was bound to kill me if I wrote "old"). We have also recently trained in reiki. Robin doing refresher, Amanda and Louise training in it for the first time (Ask Amanda reiki does really work). We will be incorporating this into our treatments. We are all Loving reiki!!

 I wanted to mention in this blog the changes over the last couple of years, within the in the spa and beauty industry, especially this year there has been a push of educating people about there skin, diet and exercise. What we put into our bodies.  This really follows the philosophy of spa@home and what, we as a team try to represent. This includes are continuous work with Gaia Natural Mallorca , and the amazing locally sourced products, they make for spa@home. 

Our big thing this year and something you wont of heard much about (its very new here in mallorca). Is our two new treatments. Oriental Cosmetic facial acupuncture and Meridian stretch.  We have had great results with clients loving both new treatments, With the facial being the answer to anyone thinking about Botox or surgery...You have to give this a try before (its amazing!). While the stretch leaves you feeling like you've just done an intensive hour of yoga whilst lying down, great for any of our sports, gym and/or cycling clients. 

In other news we are so looking forward to the openings of the hotels Cas Xorc  and the Des Puig in the Start of April.Cas Xorc celebrating 15 years and Des Puig after it´s refurb.. Then comes the Es Moli Celebrating 50years opening on the 17th of April.

 Lots of other things happening in our little village of Deia too. If you haven't already seen in the press, congratulations are in order for Richard Branson's Son Sam on the arrival of his daughter ,  Eva Deia. Lovely reminder of how our little village is so special to so many people. Louise has been on a mission trying to save Dolphins as well this winter, but that is a story for another time!!!

So we wish you all an amazing Easter. The weather is supposed to be great and lets hope we get lots of chocolate and rest. See you all very soon.
The Spa @home team x

Oriental cosmetic Facial Acupuncture – This anti ageing treatment works with specific acu-points on the face that will help to: clean pores, eliminate toxins, removes dead skin cells, improve circulation and elasticity, relaxes facial muscles, reduces puffiness, fine lines, wrinkles and leave your skin firm and revitalised. A natural and safe Botox alternative.  Suitable for men and women.  60 mins - 65 euros.

Meridian stretchThis treatment is based on Chinese Acupressure massage, Korean Kyung-Rak and Japanese Shiatsu techniques. Working the whole body by stretching and using finger and palm pressure on muscles and meridian lines, while working in tune with your natural breathing rhythms. This amazing treatment helps to relax tired aching muscles, stimulate energy along meridian lines using acupressure points, which encourages better energy flow, relaxation and a feeling of wellbeing. Perfect for after sports/exercise, for de-stressing or general relaxation. Can be applied through clothes or directly to the skin.                                        55 mins – 65 euros.