Sunday, February 28, 2016

Yoga and Spa@Home

In this beautiful month of March I wanted to let you know about my personal experience and the world of yoga. The end of March is when I will start teaching. It has been a huge journey for me. It all started last year, when my love for yoga developed and I noticed that it helped my health, body and mind. I have always worked with bodies as most of you know, I can massage morning, noon and night. I enjoy it so much especially working with my cupping therapy, reiki, deep tissue and meridian stretch massage.  The placicity of bodies and how strong and resilient we truly are, I think we all take for granted how amazing and special it is, I admit I'd forgotten about my own body. This I realised half way though my course, I became aware how back in my body I felt and fully present in my own life, I was seeing things with new eyes. It has been a true transformation for me, I have met friends who I'm sure I will keep for a long time, have grown in my depth of understanding the body and how to keep searching and looking for new things to bring, new ways to work and grow. 
It has also amazingly prepared me for my next task of taking on spa@home and how super proud I am to still be working in something I truly believe in! I wish to follow in the path that my friend and partner in crime Amanda has set forward. It is with great gratitude to her and all the opportunities that she has given me in the past, that words are not enough to thank her.  She may not be in Deia anymore but she will always be with Spa@Home.


A little bit about the style of yoga I do.  I have been working with a system called Sridaiva, which means divine destiny. Using a bowspring alignment which creates the optimal neutral alignment for the spine. With the bowspring nothing is ever straight, much like our bodies, we have natural curves: the curve of the neck and the spine. This system has come around to help in any form of athletics, yoga or to any dynamic posture sitting, standing and walking. It is great for students of all ages, particularly over 40, who can benefit from the use of the bowspring to optimise their body-mind and health. It uses the latest biomechanics of the body to create even tone through out, to work all parts evenly at all times. Lots of the postures are the same as in modern postural yoga. It is the alignment that is different, easier on the joints and putting less stress on the ligaments but creating a deep and even tone throughout. 

The first time I fell in love with something I did, was massage with yoga I feel the same. Spa @ home will continue to work to relax you, bring you the latest in anti-aging and now we will help you work with your body-mind and health. 

I hope you all have a wonderful March 
